Helping people reach their financial dreams and helping families pass on wealth to future generations

How to get started?

  1. Schedule a Consultation today

  2. Create a Plan together

  3. Walk the plan together

Here’s how I can help

Does it feel impossible or confusing to get your dream financial future? Whether you’re trying to destroy debt, pay off your home early, or give more, I can help you create a plan that sets you up to win with money. Will you let me help you?

Core Values

Treating others how you want to be treated

Putting client needs above all else

Providing immediate value


Hi, my name is Kyle Holcomb. I have always been interested in personal finance. When a friend of mine introduced me to Financial Peace University in 2012, I could not help but hit the ground running. I sold my truck the next week and started down the journey of creating a better financial future for our family. My wife Shauni and I started out with 425k in liabilities and a net worth of less than 125k. We continue to work these steps today. Our total liabilities are less than 140k (mortgage) today and we have increased our net worth to north of 1 million dollars. The principals that we followed made a huge difference in our financial stability. We have never had an annual income that exceeded 115k. The moral of this story is that anybody can become financially fit with a plan and discipline. It does not require a massive income.

I founded Holcomb Solutions Financial Coaching February 3, 2022. I am excited to embark on this journey and mission of helping people with financial goals and helping families pass on a legacy! I can be here as a check-in for financial health, an ongoing partner in ensuring generational wealth, or an accountability partner that helps you stay on track.

My priorities are simple. I believe in a good work and life balance. I focus on five pillars. Those five pillars are God, my wife (Shauni) and children (Paisley, Trakket, Blakely, Bryer), health wellness, my extended friends/family, and work. These pillars are not always in that order and sometimes one of them gets more time and effort than another. However, I do my best ensure I am filling each one of these cups.

My family means the world to me. I am happily married to Shauni Holcomb. She amazes me everyday. I am honored to be her husband. I am so proud of the work that she has done for our family. She is the most amazing mother to our four beautiful children. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does and has put her mark on this world at a young age. Shauni has founded Bundled Blessings Infertility Foundation with a group of amazing ladies. They have given over 500k in grants to families struggling with infertility. She was the Director of Operations and part owner of Imagine Pediatric Therapy World and is now on to her third venture of Whimsical Lane Play where she focuses on helping families increase sensory play with their children. Somehow, she can operate a business or two and still maintain supporting our children and my needs. I believe she has special powers. We love her and adore her.

During my free time, I enjoy a wide variety of activities. I enjoy hanging out with my wife and children. I enjoy family barbecues and gathering. We enjoy working on our house and acreage. We love to go camping, swimming, jet skiing, and basically anything outdoors. I have a passion for hunting, softball, and college athletics. Another activity that I enjoy but am still learning is golf. I am usually in one of these activities outside of work and love every minute of it.

I am truly honored to begin this journey of helping coach your family!

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Cancellation Policy

Your appointments are very important to Holcomb Solutions Financial Coaching. They are reserved especially for you. We understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary. Therefore, we do respectfully request at least 24 hours notice for cancellation or rescheduling of appointments.

Please understand that when you forget, cancel, or change your appointment without giving enough notice, we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time and the opportunity for others to receive services during that time.

Any appointment missed, late cancelled, or changed without 24 hour notice will result in a charge equal to 100% of the reserved service amount. The appointment may be charged individually.